Welcome to CareerPigs. The Terms and Conditions Agreement explains/shows all the legal rules and regulations created by our company CareerPigs (referred to as “Us”, “Our”, or “We”) in order to provide the best products and services to our visitors or users. This contract governs and rules your access and use of the services and any kind of material posted on our website (www.careerpigs.com). We advise and encourage you to take some time to review the agreement.


This Agreement (Terms and Conditions) explained below will be applied to all the services offered by CareerPigs. By visiting or using our website located at www.careerpigs.com and using our services or products you consent and agree to the terms. Please endeavour to read and understand all the clauses, regulations and terms listed in this document before signing up or using the website. As a visitor or user, you consent and agree that you will follow and adhere to these terms and conditions exclusively. If you refuse to follow any or part of these terms or disagreed with any part, portion or all of the terms, we suggest and advise you close and exit this Website.


CareerPigs is not intended for children under 18 years. You are not authorised to use this Website if you are under 18 years and will not be permitted to access to any features of this Website that allow you to provide information or to share personal details with other users of the Website.


You are permitted to post all kinds of information on CareerPigs, including, messages, emails, resumes, and other content (“Content”).

However, here are some rules about what kind of content is acceptable while posting on CareerPigs. You cannot send or post any Content that:

  • contains abuse or language that can be deemed offensive or is possibly upset, embarrass, annoy or harass another other people;
  • is pornographic, indecent or otherwise may insult human dignity;
  • is insulting or threatening, abusive, or which encourages or promotes racism, sexism, bigotry or hatred;
  • encourages or promotes any illegal activity including, but not limited to, terrorism, racial hatred or the submission which constitutes committing a criminal offence;
  • is libellous;
  • relates to commercial activities promotion, (including, but not limited to, sales, advertising, and competitions, links to other premium line, telephone numbers or websites);
  • contains any spyware, viruses, adware, corrupt files, worm programs or other malicious program designed to damage, interrupt, or limit the functionality of or interrupt any hardware, software, networks, telecommunications, servers or other equipment;
  • infringes on any third party’s rights (including, but not limited to, privacy rights and intellectual property rights); or
  • Please use your discretion when selecting the Content that you want to post on or share through CareerPigs for you are solely responsible for, and will bear all liability in regards to, such Content.


Whenever you upload Content the Website, it can be viewed and accessed by CareerPigs only. CareerPigs reserve the right in our sole discretion and without giving you prior notice, to edit, remove, block or limit access to any Content that you submit or upload to CareerPigs without incurring any liability to you.


If rightfully owned the material or Content you posted or shared on the Website; such content remains your property. However, please check other rules regarding posting and sharing Content that doesn’t belong to you.

By sending, sharing or posting, Content on the Website, you warrant to us and represent that you are permitted to do so, and automatically grant to us a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, global license to use such Content by any means (including, but not limited to, copying, editing, adapting, translating, modifying, creating derivative works from, reformatting, advertising, distributing, incorporating into other works, and also making available to the public such material or Content, whether in part or in whole and in any medium or format currently identified or developed in the future).

Note that we reserved the right to disclose your identity to anyone claiming that any Content posted, uploaded or shared by you on the Website violate their privacy right, intellectual property rights or any other legal right.

Furthermore, all text, user interfaces, graphics, logos, sounds, trademarks, and artwork on CareerPigs are owned, control or  licensed by CareerPigs and are protected by trademark, copyright, or any other intellectual property law rights.

Limitation of liability and Disclaimer of warranties

If your conduct or act in any way upset other users, you will be responsible for the consequences. CareerPigs explicitly disclaims any and all liability and responsibility for your conduct and the conduct of any other user of CareerPigs and explicitly disclaim any liability for Content shared, uploaded or posted by you or any other CareerPigs user.

To the extent permitted by law, CareerPigs expressly excludes all representations, conditions, warranties and other terms that can otherwise be implied common law or the law of equity by statute; and any liability/claim incurred by you as a result of your use of CareerPigs, these terms and conditions or its services, including without limitation to any claims, demands, damages, losses, liabilities, charges, or expenses of any nature and howsoever direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages (however arising as well as negligence), loss of data, loss of use, loss caused by electronic virus or a computer, loss of or damage to property, loss of income or profit, wasted office time or management, breach of contract or other losses of any type or character, even if CareerPigs has been guided off the possibility of such losses or damages, arising in or out of connection with the use of CareerPigs. This liability or limitation Websitelies to, but without limitation to, the transmission of any disabling virus or device that may corrupt/infect your device, failure or electrical or mechanical equipment or telephone, or communication lines, or other communication problems (for instance, inability to access your internet service provider), theft, bodily injury unauthorized access, operator errors, strikes, property damage, any act of god in connection with CareerPigs, or other labor problems,  including, but not limited to, any liability for loss of income/revenue, loss of contracts or profits, loss of anticipated saving, loss of business, loss of data, loss of goodwill, office time or wasted management and any other damage or loss of any kind, however arising or caused by tort (including, without limitation to, negligence), contract breach or otherwise, even if predictable whether resulting directly or indirectly.


If we are sued as a result of your conduct or act from the use of CareerPigs, we have the right to settle or defend the relevant claim by our sole discretion. In such situation, you will fully co-operate as required by us in defence of any relevant claim in such case.

You hereby agree/accept to indemnify and hold us and our directors, officers, agents, representatives, licensors, and  harmless against/from any third party damages (consequential and/or actual), claims, proceedings, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses, as well as solicitor’s fees (where applicable) reasonably, suffered or incurred by us in connection with or as a result of, or arising from your access to and use of the Website, the submission or uploading of Content to CareerPigs by you or your conduct and act, other than in accord with these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law or regulation (termed “Claim”). CareerPigs reserves the sole right to compromise, settle and pay any and all causes of action or Claims that are brought against us without your prior notification or consent.


CareerPigs has made reasonable efforts to ensure the availability, accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information contained on the Website and provides such information on an “as available,” “as is” basis. CareerPigs does not make or give any presentation or warranty about the information contained on CareerPigs, whether impress or implied. You use the Website and other available features at your sole risk.

Also, it is your sole responsibility to take all necessary precautions to ensure that any Content you may obtain from CareerPigs is free of viruses, worm programs or other harmful components. You accept that CareerPigs will not be provided error-free or uninterrupted, that defects may not be amended or that CareerPigs or the server is free of bugs or viruses, spyware, Trojan horses or any other malicious software.

 Disputes and governing law

Any dispute in regards to your visit or use of the website or services offered by CareerPigs will be handled and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state from where CareerPigs offered its services


If any of the Terms and Conditions are declared to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable/inapplicable by a court of a competent jurisdiction, for any reason, then the applicable part of the Terms shall survive, and remain in full force and effective and continue to be enforceable and binding.

 Right to update, modify or change our terms and conditions

CareerPigs reserve the right to amend, change or modify, these Terms and Conditions at any time. Whenever we do this, a notification will be posted on this portion of the Website, and we will specify the effective date of such updates at the base of the amended Terms. In some situations, we may notify you through an email of any update or change. Therefore, you are encouraged to check this part to take notice of any amendment regularly.

After any update or amendment to these Terms, if you do not accept or agree to the amended Terms, you should stop using CareerPigs immediately. Your continued use of CareerPigs after any update represents your acceptance of such amended version, and you shall be legally bound by the revised/amended Terms.

These Terms and Condition set out represents the entire understanding and agreement between you and us in regards to your use of CareerPigs and surpass all previous agreements, arrangements, and representations between us (either written or oral). Nothing, in this case, shall exclude or limit any liability for duplicitous misrepresentation.


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    By signing and clicking Submit, you affirm you have read and agree to the Terms of Use